Monday, March 22, 2010

Meet Oroma Elewa

a sneak peek of the cover!


It is not often I mention color or size.  Years of discrimination have made me more than a little bitter.  So I avoid these two fairly popular topics in my beloved fashionland and more importantly the world.
Growing up I was always told I would have to work harder.
“You have three strikes against you.” My mother would say. “Your sex, your race and your religion. So you have to work three times as hard.”

The Mothership was a firm believer in “keeping it real” and with four daughters there was no room to coddle.  Suffice to say that growing up in the style starved world of the Middle East (back in the 90′s mind you, it’s drastically different now) muses were few and far between. First there was super model Iman an obvious choice, Grace Jones, Alek Wek and of course Naomi Campbell.
Then slowly it stopped. I grew bored and tired.
So many pretty faces from the same places.

Until I stumbled upon her.
Meet Oroma Elewa my modern day super muse and Editor-in Cheif of the fashion and art magazine Pop’Africana.
The former model turned photographer is an all round creative being and so hugely inspirational to me. She lives and breathes through her art and you can see the passion come alive in her magazine that truly celebrates the usually forgotten wonder of Africa.  I came across Oroma and her blog a while back and was taken in not just by the people represented in her work, but by it’s fierce and edgy editorial direction. Like Dazed&Confused and Fader had a fantastic and vibrant African love child.  It is here that I find myself represented – yes, but there is so much more. Raw style, sex, art, intellect and the real beauty and talent of a continent  is celebrated.
I am very happy to say that the first official issue Pop’Africana will be out in print this April and I simply can not wait to get my hands on it!

Oroma Elewa by Mike Schreiber

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