y hair is scraped up and back. Tight.
Like a frizzy Croydon face-lift.
Even under the duvet my toes are cold.
I search the ground for a pair of strewn socks.
Find two mis-matching. This will do.
I’m greeted by the cat. She’s huddled close.
She feels it too. The icy wind.
Left my window open last night. Silly move.
Feels like -22 my phone reads.
Shit. It’s winter.
The sinus headache creeps up and settles nicely.
My skin bone dry. Ashy.
And yet. No. I won’t let it bother me.
I dig out my favourite sweater.
This grey sweater.
Pink fuzzy socks my Mama left me.
A piping hot cup of coffee.
And the gentle purr of a kitten that loves me.
I need nothing more.
Well, I suppose the Sudafed helps too.